We help women and non-binary artists rise to their rightful position in the art world.


Women artists represent only 2% of the art market

85% of artists exhibited in the 18 major American art museums are white and 87% are male

Only 13.7% of the artists represented by commercial galleries in Europe and North America are women

Women artists work is sold at 40% less than their male counterparts

Weekly Rise is a response to our community’s needs. We receive daily requests from our Repaint History & ArtGirlRising audiences to share opportunities, industry news, exhibitions and more. At the moment there is no platform or space online, where you can find everything in one place for women and non-binary artists.

Think of Weekly Rise a one stop shop or yellow pages for women and non-binary artists, a place where everything is ‘under one roof’.

Weekly Rise is collaboration between ArtGirlRising and Repaint History. We firmly believe that we can create lasting change when we share resources and stand united in the work we do.