Unlocking Opportunities: 20 Institutions/Organizations Supporting Your Artistic Career

Welcome to the first blog post for IN HOUSE WEEKLY, your creative haven shared every two weeks on ourweeklyrise.com! In this debut entry, we're excited to highlight institutions and organizations that support artists like you.

We asked our Instagram community about their experiences, recognizing the challenges faced by women and non-binary artists post-art school. According to this article by Artnet, art schools are the last place where women and non-binary artists are on an equal playing field with their male counterparts. 

While not everyone has received significant support, we've curated a list of organizations to help you thrive. Visit ourweeklyrise.com for free access to unlimited listings and sign up for our newsletter to stay updated.

Together we rise for Women & NB artists!


Team Weekly Rise



  1. Women on Walls (The Royal Irish Academy)

  2. The Wharf Gallery

  3. Flux Factory

  4. New York Foundation for the Arts

  5. Governor's Island Arts

  6. NARS Foundation

  7. Paseo Project

  8. Harwood Museum of Art

  9. University Museum of Contemporary Art

  10. Richmond Art Center

  11. Le Cercle de L'art

  12. Arroyo Arts Collective

  13. Abstractionistas

  14. Rotor Contemporary

  15. Nobody&Friends

  16. Navigator North

  17. Shoebox Arts

  18. Independent Little Lies

  19. MassArt Graduate Programs

  20. TUFA Trier


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