Emergency Grants max’s kansas city project

Max’s Emergency Relief & Resource Fund is a one-time grant of between $500 and $1000 to assist self-employed artists who have a steady work history, but who are experiencing a temporary financial set back. MKCP assistance is designed to resolve this short term crisis, whatever it may be, and the applicant will again gain employment in the near future.

Individuals seeking assistance must be residents of New York State. Exceptions are made in some cases if applicant was affiliated with Max’s Kansas City. Applicants whose arrears are so serious that assistance will not allow them relief from their difficulties are not eligible for assistance. Please be specific as to what bill the grant is needed for. Grants of financial assistance do not go to the applicant. Payment goes directly to creditor/third party. Please note, although MKCP Emergency Grant does cover medical bills, it does not cover psychotherapy costs unless the psychotherapist is an MD. MKCP only covers housing, medical and legal aid. The application and support materials must be sent by snail mail!

To be included with application: This is your check list.

  • A letter written by the applicant explaining specifically why assistance is needed and why the applicant cannot solve this problem without aid from MKC

  • 5-10 work samples. Copies of artworks if applicant is a visual artist, published clippings if applicant is a writer, a CD/DVD if applicant is a composer or performer

  • Copies of awards, reviews, etc. will be strongly considered

  • A list of 3 names with physical addresses and telephone #s, (NO emails) of individuals MKCP can contact as character references on your behalf

  • One recent letter of referral from a colleague or patron in your field who has known you for three years and who knows your work intimately. The letter must be made out to the Max’s Kansas City Project supporting your need and must be in addition to your three references that we call on your behalf.

  • The following financial information must be submitted and labeled as such clearly in the top right corner of each page. Do not send originals. Send copies only:

  • 1 current bank statement including account number, and balance

  • 1 current rent or mortgage statement from landlord or bank

  • 1 recent utility bill

  • 1 recent phone bill

  • 1 copy of any current loan statements

  • 1 copy of most recent credit or debit card statement

The following income verification is required. Attach all that apply:

  • 3 recent copies of invoices to arts clients

  • 1 NYSDOL unemployment award letter if applicable

  • 1 most recent pay stub ; indicate clearly on pay stub if this is a “day job” that helps further your work or an arts job in your field most recent copy of social security, worker’s compensation, pensions, tax dividends, rental income, lottery winnings, stocks, bonds, military benefits, child support, or any other benefits                                                         

If you are selected as an awardee:

  • Visual artists may be asked to donate one sellable, signed piece for possible fundraising use

  • Non visual art disciplines, if selected, will need to provide a paragraph of intent explaining how their expertise can support the MKC mission

  • Grant recipients might be asked to provide a written testimonial for promotional use

Deadline: Ongoing

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