Arts Council National Lottery Project Grants
Deadline: Ongoing
Submission Fee: Free
What do we mean by eligibility?
Eligibility refers to the rules on who can apply and what we can support through National Lottery Project Grants. These rules are based on our remit as a funding provider for creativity and culture, how we can responsibly distribute National Lottery money, and what we’re trying to achieve through Project Grants.
Who can apply?
Individuals and organisations can apply to National Lottery Project Grants for £1,000 or more.
Anyone who applies to Project Grants needs to:
• be based within (live in or have a business address in) England or the wider UK
• be at least 18 years old (organisations must have an accountable person who is at least 18)
Important information for individuals:
• if you’re applying in your capacity as an individual you will need a UK individual bank account in the exact
name you’re applying in
• if you’re applying as a sole trader on behalf of your business or company you will need a UK individual or
business bank account in the exact name you’re applying in
Important information for organisations:
• All organisations need to have a UK bank account in the exact name you’re applying in (the organisation’s
name), with two signatories. A signatory is someone that is authorised to make transactions and manage an
account, for example can sign cheques.
• Limited companies and registered charities need to have a registered office in the UK.
• We will accept applications from organisations working as a consortium, partnership, network or group.
• For non-constituted consortiums or groups, one organisation must act as the lead organisation and send us
the application. If the application goes on to be successful, this organisation would be accountable for the
By organisation we mean:
• a group of people working towards a common goal
• they must have a governing document that covers the type of project being applied for
• for example charities, limited companies or unincorporated groups
What is National Lottery Project Grants?
Project Grants can support individual practitioners, communities and cultural organisations
with projects that focus on:
Combined Arts including festivals and carnivals
or Visual Arts
When we say ‘project’, we mean a series of activities or a piece of work. Your project will
have a start and an end date, and a set of measurable aims that you’d like to achieve in
that time.
Before you apply to Project Grants you should read our ten year plan called Let’s Create.
Our plan is made up of 3 Outcomes and 4 Investment Principles.
Outcomes are what we want our plan to do.
Investment Principles are what we believe in. We think about our principles before we
give money to people or organisations.
Our 3 Outcomes are:
• We want creative people
• We want cultural communities
• We want a creative and cultural country
Our 4 Investment Principles are:
• We believe in ambition and quality
• We believe in being flexible, we call this dynamism
• We believe in being environmentally friendly
• We believe in being inclusive and relevant